Thursday, January 25, 2007

I am DEAD from too much anger

I am so angry. So very angry. I don't even have words for it.
I was just listening in on the old NPR (I have to stream KUAZ out of Tucson because the station in Abq is horrendous - pretty much all music, no talk; what's the deal?!) and they played a little soundbyte from an interview our duly elected Vice President Dick Cheney (or, as I like to call him, Shotgun-wielding Psycho Vice President) did with Mr. Wolf "Wolf" Blitzer yesterday. Now I didn't hear the whole interview, just a snippet, but there is a transcript of the whole thing Here. Put on your poncho, because the poop will fly.
I would like to point your attention to the following exchange, which I will copy out in full for your benefit. To get you up to speed, this is in regards to the State of the Union speech given by our dear President Bush.

Wolf: 'Here's what the President said last night:
"We could expect an epic battle between Shia extremists backed by Iran and Sunni extremists aided by al Qaeda and supporters of the old regime. A contagion of violence could spill out across the country and, in time, the entire region could be drawn into the conflict. For America, this is a nightmare scenario."
He was talking about the consequences of failure in Iraq. How much responsibility do
you have, though -- do you and the administration for this potential scenario?'
Dick: 'Well, you know, this is a argument that there wouldn't be any problem if we hadn't gone into Iraq. Now --'
Wolf: 'Saddam Hussein would still be in power.'
Dick: 'Saddam Hussein would still be in power. He would, at this point, be engaged in a nuclear arms race with Ahmadinejad, his blood enemy next door in Iran --'
Wolf: 'But he was being contained as we all know --'
Dick: 'He was not being contained. He was not being contained, Wolf.'
Wolf: '-- by the no-fly zones in the north and the south.'
Dick: 'Wolf, the entire sanctions regime had been undermined by Saddam Hussein. He had --'
Wolf: 'But he didn't have stockpiles of weapons of --'
Dick: '-- corrupted the entire effort to try to keep him contained. He was bribing senior officials of other governments. The oil-for-food program had been totally undermined, and he had, in fact, produced and used weapons of mass destruction previously, and he retained the capability to produce that kind of stuff in the future.'
Wolf: 'But that was in the '80s.'
Dick: 'You can go back and argue the whole thing all over again, Wolf, but what we did in Iraq in taking down Saddam Hussein was exactly the right thing to do; the world is much safer today because of it.'

And Dick continues rambling after that.
Cheney insisted and insisted long after nobody else believed it that Saddam had WMD's. And now that a decent number of americans no longer believes that falsehood, Dick is going back to what Saddam did back in the 80's as justification for an unprovoked war that was based on falsified intelligence that the administration knew was falsified, yet still used to justify the war. Now I ask you, listening public, with the number of american deaths approximate to the number of deaths on 9/11, and the number of Iraqi innocents dead nestled securely in the hundreds of thousands, are we really better off than we were before we invaded Iraq?
For Dick to bring up the wild notion that Saddam and Iran would have forced the world into submission to their imagined nuclear prowess dick contest (just to reprint from above - '[Saddam] would, at this point, be engaged in a nuclear arms race with Ahmadinejad, his blood enemy next door in Iran') I figure one of two things has to be going on.
1) I am in a crazy house. Dick is in a crazy house. We are both crazy, but are deluded and think that everything is normal. Dick is crazily insisting that Saddam had WMD capabilities, and crazily believes that the american public (who is no longer listening to him because he and I are roommates in the crazy house) are buying into it. And I'm crazy too because I think that somebody actually believes him, I mean otherwise why would he get face time on CNN?
2) Dick Cheney has in fact been replaced by one of those billboard monsters from that one Simpsons' episode where the advertisements come to life and terrorize town, eating people and smashing them and crushing them with giant metal donuts and the like. Not that I am insinuating that Dick has taken to eating people, although maybe a metaphor could be made whereby he is crushing the spirit of the american people with the giant metal donut of his faulty policy. We should take heart though, because in that same episode, they realized that, if you pay no attention to the roving monstrosities (heh, Rove, get it), they go away. Consider this my plea: stop paying attention to Dick. Stop putting him on shows and interviewing him, unless those shows are this one or this one. Nobody else should be allowed.

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