Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bay Area Backroads

Those of you who read my wife's blog are likely familiar with her wildly successful City Walks SF series, the result of a gift from KEC of the deck of City Walks Deck of San Francisco (highly recommended!).

A few weeks ago, while out shopping around, we happened upon the Bay Area Backroads Deck, also from Chronicle Books, our local book publisher. This deck features 50 day trips from central to northern California, stretching from San Luis Obispo to the Oregon border. The deck was put together by the show Bay Area Backroads, a local program that features local trips you can take to see interesting sights in the area. We watched the show a few times before we willfully lost access to the airwaves, and enjoyed it.

As we have done with our City Walks (almost finished!), we are going to try to go through all of these trips, seeing the northern half of our new home state. I'm going to write about each one here, talking about what we saw, and what we liked and didn't like, and what have you. Hopefully it will be worth all of our times.

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