Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sketch of a City Occurrence

As I was walking to the subway from my office, I came upon and passed a group of 8 to 10 young people (am I old enough now to say things like "young people" when referring to twenty-somethings?) walking the same direction as me, albeit more slowly. This was around, say, 7:15 at night. I eventually noticed that one of them was carrying another fireman-style, with two more helping support the carried. He was most assuredly not conscious. Nobody seemed particularly concerned about this, in fact they all were quite jolly. These kids didn't seem drunk, however. The only snippet of conversation I heard was something about leaving him in his office, which it seemed they thought would be a hilarious idea.

I was going to close this by saying that I love the big city sometimes because you see this kind of thing sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it happens with just as much regularity in the small town too. Just they toss the unconscious in the back seat of a car and drive them home.

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