Friday, February 23, 2007

Two different things

A couple news stories I just saw that are important.

First: Girl Scout cookies toss out trans fats.
How exciting. Now I can eat a full box of Tagalongs all at once. Oh, and another box full of Thin Mints. That is, of course, if they didn't cost about $10 a box. Anybody remember those cheesy triangle crackers? Shaped like pizza slices vaguely. Back in the 80's. Those were pretty awesome too.

Second: Lieberman: I won't switch to GOP.
Lieberman just chaps my ass. He says the following two things in the same interview:
"I guess that makes me a genuine independent"
"I have no desire or intention to leave the Democratic Party or the Democratic caucus"
I hate to break it to him, but he left the Democratic Party after he fairly lost in his state primary before taking the representation opportunity away from Ned Lamont. I guess you should watch Countdown tonight (I Can't), and Keith Olbermann will talk about this subject. I get the feeling that the Democrats would love to kick Joe to the curb, except that they need his vote with the numbers so close.

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