Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Gay people: move to Tucson!

According to The Advocate, the following are the top 10 best places to live if you are part of the GLBT (or, if you're a gay-hater, you'll like this one better) community:
Columbus, Ohio
Dallas, Texas (WHAT?)
Ferndale, Michigan
Ithaca, New York
Lexington, Kentucky
Missoula, Montana
Portland, Oregon
San Diego, California
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Tucson, Arizona

Hooray for Tucson being accepting! Interestingly, check this out. According to this map, of those top 10 only 4 are in states that went blue in the last election; I would expect something more like the opposite distribution. Only one of these towns is up in New England. I find that sad. It is, however, exciting that Tucson is a good place for gay people. Maybe one day they'll be treated like real people.

1 comment:

KNGS said...

Ithaca, NY (where cornell univ. and ithaca college are located) is not New England. New England is the region east of NY but NOT including NY. But it is a great town in the fingerlakes region of NY (my bro went to college there). Also there are some very established gay-friendly towns in New England that just didn't make the list.