Friday, March 23, 2007

R.E.M. saves Darfur

OK, so not really. But they have recorded a song for an upcoming album of John Lennon music called Instant Karma: the Campaign to Save Darfur. Look here for the "video" of the song (consisting of the lyrics and a number of factoids about the shit going down in Sudan.
Now it's of course debatable that recording a song is the best way for a person to help people, but I guess if you're a musician it is very effective. The best way for me personally to help them would be to send letters to my congressman, and to send money. However, since the gumming already called it a genocide, I heartily doubt my letters would have any effect. Too many irons (or Irans or Iraqs) in the fire, so to speak.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Don't worry - you did send money.