Saturday, March 24, 2007

No fake degree for you! Take that, Jeb!

Trolling the news stories, I ran across this: Jeb Bush denied honor at U. of Florida.
Apparently the faculty senate overturned a recommendation that Jeb be given an honorary degree from the UF. Of all the indignities! The university president said it was "unheard of" that a recommended person would be overturned by the senate. Maybe that's what happens when you recommend a controversial person, hmm.
Jeb actually has a degree, which he breezed through in a mere 2.5 years. He got his B.A. in Latin American studies at UT Austin. I wonder what the family thinks about him being a papist?
Well that blog was neither interesting nor informative.

Edit: This just in: Jeb given honorary alumnus status. I guess whatever works.

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