Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Books I finished like a week ago

I finished up a couple books in pretty rapid order last week: The Kestrel and The Beggar Queen, the last two books in the Westmark Trilogy by Lloyd Alexander. I finished these two books really quickly because a) they're super-awesome and b) I had just finished my finals for the semester and was unwinding.
I was amazed throughout the reading of these two books at how adult these books are, as I talked about in this post. Not adult in the "woo-woo" manner, but in that Alexander deals with adult subjects like violence, war, death, and hatred, and in doing so he doesn't pull many punches. So very different from the Chronicles of Prydain. If I were an author, I don't think that I would be able to pull off two very different styles and suceed in both. I highly recommend these books.
Now I'm on to Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, a book by Philip K. Dick, an author I've greatly enjoyed for the last several years.

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