Friday, July 20, 2007

Does anybody else think this is a terrible idea?

So dubya is going to undergo a colonoscopy tomorrow; I hope it goes well and that he's ok. What I am pretty sure is not going to go well is the temporary promotion of our erstwhile, shotgun-wielding (and not in a rugged, Teddy Roosevelt kind of way) veep, who will be taking over while dubya is under. Now, one thing that I admire about the Republican party is that they have set it up so that there could never be a really serious push to get Bush impeached; they did so by putting somebody in the vice president's office that is so bat shit crazy that he actually believes (and states publicly!) that his office is not part of the executive branch. (Note: this article restores the tiniest bit of my confidence in the current Democrat-run house...but still I am wildly disappointed) What could be worse for American than Bush being president? Bush not being president.
Now, while Dubya is under, he is going to hand over presidential powers to Cheney. How can this not go wrong? This man is the single most power-hungry person in the history of persons, and we're going to suddenly have him in power. With the precedent sent by Bush's use of signing statements, I predict that Cheney will issue some sort of proclamation once he's officially in office that nullifies the section of the Constitution that puts Bush back into office when he is able. A year and a half of Cheney might actually be worse than 6.5 years of Bush. Get ready for the executive branch not being part of the executive branch, a total abolishment of checks and balances, replacement of the Supreme Court justices with various demons and devils (although the Court will no longer have any power), pogroms against the legislative branch, death penalties for any crime except fraud and extortion, the use of gay people as cannon fodder, and sending of atheists into the sea. Just see if it doesn't all happen.
Note: I'm kidding about all of this. Bush had the same procedure done in 2002, and handed power over to Cheney temporarily. Presumably, nothing terrible happened.


Alison said...

Please see the following Washington Post series Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency: As my editor says, "This is a great example of what we [presumably journalists]are supposed to be doing."

Alison said...

Also, I know he's W and all and I dislike him, but it would really suck for hundreds of millions of people to know you're having something stuck up... well, you know.