Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This movie be rated arrrrrr.

Note: Credit where credit is due: the title is from a Simpsons episode.

I have a lot of things to blog about, especially re: my week out of state. I'll start with the fact that, during this week, I finished the book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Not the first book by him that I've read. It was very good, and I got through it quickly. While it is a good book, it loses some points for bringing such things to us as this and this and this and this. This is all very ironic to me, considering how badly the pirates are actually painted in Treasure Island. I cannot for the life of me understand why people popularized pirates.

Now I'm on to Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. This is, amazingly, my first ever Dickens book, and I am thoroughly enjoying it as well. Hopefully I can get it done in 10 days, when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will magically apparate on my doorstep.

By the by, both of these titles are available on Project Gutenberg, a site that posts the text of books that have passed their copyright date. You can read old books like this absolutely free. I'm not sure whether the construction and shipping of the actual books is worse or better than having your computer on long enough to read them, but it's something to look at.

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